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Stem Cell Treatment for Full or Partial ACL Tears

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The Regenexx® patented stem cell procedure for ACL tears was developed to treat full and partial anterior cruciate ligament tears non-surgically. ACL tears are one of the more common knee injuries we treat and many non-retracted full and partial tears can be treated in all but the most serious cases.

Regenexx ACL offers a viable alternative for individuals who may be considering surgery due to a partial or complete non-retracted ACL tear. Our patients avoid the lengthy periods of downtime and painful ACL surgery rehabilitation that follows traditional invasive anterior cruciate ligament surgeries. One of the big downsides of ACL surgery is the time away from playing. Most athletes don’t get back before 6 months and at that point they’re lucky to be at 50% of where they were before the injury. The common lore is that ACL ligament tears don’t heal, but recent advances in stem cell technology have shown MRI evidence of ligaments that weren’t supposed to heal, looking more like normal ligaments after a precise stem cell injection than a torn one. With Regenexx, the fact that you can exercise earlier and your muscles don’t atrophy, usually results in a faster return to your sport.
How We're Able to Treat ACL Tears Through a Needle
As a leader in interventional orthopedics and non-surgical knee stem cell treatments, the Regenexx team is pioneering the most sophisticated methods to accurately cannulate the ACL through a needle (via fluoroscopy and needle arthroscopy). This innovative procedure uses various Regenexx biologics procedures such as Regenexx SCP (super concentrated platelet rich plasma) or bone marrow derived stem cells to target the ACL tear using sophisticated fluoroscopic imaging and guidance. In the occasional case when a patient’s MRI is not clear enough to determine candidacy, a “quick look” needle arthroscopy can be used to determine if the ACL fibers are still intact enough for the procedure to be successful. This needle arthroscopy allows us to look through the end of a needle, rather than the much larger traditional surgical arthroscope.

Regenexx treats partial and full ACL tears that are not significantly retracted

Regenexx procedures are focused on treating full and partial tears that are non-retracted.

Regenexx® Doctors Explain the ACL Stem Cell Procedure

Dr. John Schultz – ACL procedure in-depth look at the injection
Dr. Jason Markle video & discussion of ACL procedure

Your ACL Tear & Why Regenexx Procedures May Be a Better Option

The Benefits of Stem Cells Over Surgery

The ACL is a major stabilizer of the knee. When it’s torn, traditional thinking has been that it will not heal, so surgery is often used to replace the torn ligament. However, along with most surgical procedures, ACL surgery has it’s issues. First, the graft goes in at a steeper angle than the original ACL, causing more compression of the cartilage. For this reason, most young adults who get the surgery will end up with arthritis by age 30. In addition, the position sense and strength of the knee is often never the same. Obviously, the best possible scenario for a torn ACL would be to heal the ligament in place. The Regenexx patented stem cell procedure is intended to do just that. We regularly see good patient results, as well as visual confirmation of healing on follow-up MRIs.

Required Viewing for those with an ACL Tear: Regenexx as an Alternative to ACL Surgery

How Regenexx Procedures Work

Stem Cell Treatments

Same Day Stem Cell Protocol

Adult stem cells are cells from your own body that can renew themselves and turn into other cells (differentiate). They live inside all of us in various tissues, poised to leap into action to repair damage as it occurs. As we age or have big injuries, we may not be able to recruit enough of these cells to the site to fully repair the area. Regenexx Stem Cell Procedures help overcome this problem by extracting stem cells from an area of high volume, then concentrating the cells and reinjecting them into the damaged area to help the body heal naturally. Our Patented Stem Cell Procedures can be used for a wide range of conditions and are the tool of choice for injuries, arthritis and other conditions that may be more significant than what may be treated with our Platelet Rich Plasma or Platelet Lysate Procedures.

Blood Platelet Treatments

Advanced Platelet Rich Plasma & Platelet Lysate Procedures

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and Platelet Lysate Injection Treatments contain healing growth components from your own blood that increase your body’s natural ability to repair itself. The use of PRP to repair joint, tendon, ligament, and muscle injuries is becoming well known, thanks to exposure from professional athletes. Platelet injection treatments are effective because they have a stimulating effect on the stem cells within the targeted area, making those stem cells work harder to heal damaged tissues. Our Advanced Platelet Procedures are more pure and concentrated than those created by the automated machines used at most regenerative medicine clinics. Platelet procedures are commonly used for soft tissue injuries, mild arthritis and spine conditions.

More Information on Regenexx Stem Cell Procedures for ACL Tears

Regenexx Free Report: Do You Really Need Surgery for your ACL Tear?
Infographic: Return to Sports Following an ACL Tear – Regenexx vs. ACL Surgery
OUTSIDE MAGAZINE ARTICLE – No More Knife: The Stem-Cell Shortcut To Injury Recovery
No More Knife - ACL Surgery Alternative The Regenexx patented stem cell treatment for knee ACL tears was featured in this article by Outside Magazine. As you may have guessed, orthopedic surgeons are skeptical as they may soon lose a large percentage of their ACL surgeries to regenerative treatments.
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*DISCLAIMER: Like all medical procedures, Regenexx® Procedures have a success and failure rate. Patient reviews and testimonials on this site should not be interpreted as a statement on the effectiveness of our treatments for anyone else.